You got a dream you got to protect it, people can’t do something themselves they want to tell you, you can’t do it, you want something go get it period.
This is so true if you have a dream/vision you have to protect it, stick to it because people will try to tell you that you can’t get it, often times people closest to you, not because they want you to fail but because they love you and care. I can’t tell you how many times my mom asked me if I was sure about “this online business…” and my wife asked me to quit and get a “real job” when the times were tough because they were worried about me and our family.
It is your vision of the world that creates reality around you – if you worked for 20, 30, 40 years for somebody else it is extremely hard to grasp and believe in an idea that it is possible to make a lot of money by doing something you love and helping people. The world of opportunity is all around you, go take it pursue your dream, make it a reality. It is not some inspiring hypothetical claims, I mean it!
Here are some of the MEGA trends you can capitalize on to make money online:
- Amazon Publishing
- Website/Domain Flipping
- Local Business Marketing
- Selling iPhone Apps
- Affiliate Marketing
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