99% of online business owners are NOT using their most valuable asset and see LESS traffic and sales as a result! Learn how to instantly fix this issue.
Content syndication is the secret element that most business owners know absolutely nothing about. The reason is quite simple, content syndication is relatively new and is a byproduct of the explosion in participation in online social networks. Content syndication is the act of extending the reach of your content by distributing it through a content syndication network (CSN). Entire social web is driven and controlled by Content Syndication Networks. In other words, the top content in the search engines and the top content in social media networks were being controlled and manipulated by networks of people, who have come together in an agreement to vote for, share, distribute and propagate each other’s content… Reciprocation is baked in our DNA: you help me – I help you. Think about popular bloggers, famous YouTube publishers, Gurus the all know each other and share and propagate each other’s content.
Most online business owners are overlooking the fact that their own unique content is THE most valuable asset they have for drawing the very thing they work so hard to attract: TARGETED BUSINESS TRAFFIC.
Content is King, so what?
Many marketers generate new content but few know how to turn this asset into massive market penetration. Less than 1% of online marketers are using their content in the most advantageous ways. I often hear online marketing leaders say that in our new Internet economy CONTENT IS KING. This is absolutely true. The entire Internet is content driven; content is the undeniable currency of the Internet. But what does this mean for you?
Let’s look at it more closely…
When people visit a search engine or a social network they always seek content in one form or another. There are THREE KINDS OF CONTENT that matter (to humans), – “The 3EContent Paradigm”:
- Content that is EDUCATIONAL
- Content that is ENLIGHTENING
- Content that is ENTERTAINING
Sprinkle a little controversy in the mix and you have a recipe for VIRAL content!
How to produce content that will make you money
Only a small percentage of content seekers at the outset are ready to BUY. Most are in the research and discovery phase. This is critical. Most content creation was aimed at “making the sale.” So called “hit and run marketing” and it’s increasingly ineffective. Amazingly only small percentages of content authors were writing on topics that mattered to their readers. Google tracks how long a person stays on a web page. Through this tracking, you can observe people going to one of the typical, old style sales pages and immediately popping off the page and moving on quickly to find the content they were seeking to begin with. What Does This Mean For You? All the content you create (initially) should be designed to meet this 3EContent goal, not to make a sale. Content that gets noticed always contains one, two or all of the 3 Es (Education and/or Enlightenment and/or Entertainment). This revelation is the one thing that will make the biggest difference in achieving an ever growing pull of traffic, action and sales. It is the true key to you benefiting from the “social power” found in the explosion of social media participation. It also drives your search engine visibility/rankings (SEO) automatically.
One of the most powerful forms of content in terms of delivering the message is video so you can produce great videos for your products you can dominate your niche (check out this audio converter if you need to convert your audio files for your video projects.)